Browsing: Music

Feature: Pot Committed

Georgia is “pot committed” to the creative industries. In the past decade, educational and workforce development programs have evolved to meet the needs of today’s employers.

Georgia Creative Champion of the Year Awarded to Chris Escobar

Chris Escobar has been awarded Georgia’s Creative Champion of 2024/2025. The honor was bestowed last night at Georgia Entertainment’s Signature 100 event held on Stage 5 of Assembly Studios. Over 600 producers, directors, and entertainment executives in Georgia and beyond were in attendance.

The Sound of Opportunity: Growing Georgia’s Music Industry

Georgia has the foundation to become a powerhouse in the national music industry, but to do so, it needs strategic, coordinated investments in music education, infrastructure, live events, and policy. By capitalizing on its rich musical heritage, supporting its growing talent pool, and fostering a culture of collaboration, Georgia can lead the charge in shaping the future of music in the U.S. and beyond.

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