Georgia Film Day 2024, hosted by the Georgia Production Partnership (GPP) in collaboration with Georgia House Representative of District 80, Long Tran, saw an unprecedented gathering of industry leaders, policymakers, and enthusiasts at the iconic Atlanta City Hall. The event, held on March 18, 2024, was graced by the esteemed presence of Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens, renowned music producer Dallas Austin, SAG/AFTRA President of Atlanta Eric Goins, and prolific producer Tom Luse, among over 400 attendees.
Georgia Film Day stands as a testament to the state’s thriving film industry and its pivotal role in shaping the global entertainment landscape. This year’s event marked a significant milestone, celebrating the remarkable achievements and contributions of Georgia’s film community.
Mayor Andre Dickens, in his address, emphasized the pivotal role of the film industry in bolstering Georgia’s economy and cultural vibrancy. He commended the collaborative efforts of organizations like the Georgia Production Partnership and individuals like Long Tran for their unwavering commitment to nurturing Georgia’s film ecosystem. “Last summer, Georgia State University released a report estimating the impact that Georgia’s Film Tax incentive has had on the state. According to this report, every $1 in incentives generates an ROI of more than $6 in economic impact in this state. The report also details how Georgia has become the fastest-growing film industry in the nation,” said Mayor Andre Dickens. “All of this is significant. The impact is felt all over the state, and Atlanta is proud to play a role in all of this.”
Long Tran, Georgia House Representative of District 80, reiterated the state’s unwavering support for the film industry and underscored the importance of fostering an environment conducive to growth and innovation. Tran highlighted the collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors in propelling Georgia to the forefront of the global film industry.
Dallas Austin, a luminary in the music and film industry, shared his insights into the transformative power of storytelling and its ability to transcend boundaries. He emphasized the importance of diversity and inclusivity in storytelling, acknowledging Georgia’s strides in promoting representation both on and off-screen.
Eric Goins, SAG/AFTRA President of Atlanta, applauded Georgia’s robust infrastructure and talent pool, reaffirming the union’s commitment to advocating for the rights and welfare of performers in the state.
Tom Luse, a seasoned producer known for his work on the acclaimed The Walking Dead, commended the collaborative spirit that defines Georgia’s film community. He expressed optimism for the industry’s continued growth and innovation, fueled by the passion and creativity of its stakeholders.
Georgia Film Day 2024 served as a platform to celebrate Georgia’s rich cinematic heritage and chart a course for a future defined by innovation, inclusivity, and excellence. As the state continues to attract top-tier talent and investment, events like these reaffirm Georgia’s position as a global leader in film production. Director of Georgia Film Office, Lee Thomas, has passed the Film Day baton to the new leadership team of GPP and has already started planning for 2025.
For more information about Georgia Film Day and the Georgia Production Partnership, please visit