In their efforts to spotlight outstanding professionals in the local film industry, Discover Dunwoody named Maria Vanessa Reyes as February’s recipient of the Travel/Production/Procurement Associates Recognition Program. After graduating from SCAD in 2017, Maria worked as a waitress at an Italian restaurant. One day the owner of the restaurant went to deliver pizza to Swirl Films. While he was there, he mentioned Maria and how she was looking for a job in the film industry, this ultimately ended up being the beginning of Maria’s film career. She was offered her first film opportunity in the TV series “Tales” as an intern, and after just one month, her hard work ethic allowed her to move up from being a Set Dresser to an Art Coordinator. Soon after, Maria switched gears to take on the role of a Production Assistant (PA) and eventually worked her way up the Production Coordinator role she has now.
She sat down with Georgia Entertainment’s Jezlan Moyet to share her experience getting started in the film industry.
To watch her interview with Georgia Entertainment, visit Funwoody here.