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The 15 Best Art Schools in the U.S. 2025 – SCAD #1


Art & Object is proud to once again share what we believe to be the top fifteen undergraduate art schools in the United States, to help young and returning artists find the education to which they are best suited.

Our 2025 ranking sees many familiar schools across coasts, from CalArts and RISD to UT Austin and NYU. The criteria we’ve used to reach our conclusions remains the same: we’re weighing tuition costs, ranges of majors, endowments, post-graduation employment rates, diversity and inclusion levels, student-faculty ratios, and standards of living in the towns and cities where students will live, interact, and above all, create. We’ve also considered intangible factors such as a school’s reputation, its surrounding art community, and affiliated museums.

School sizes range from 40,000 students to under a thousand in locations ranging from Georgia and Minneapolis to New York and Boston, but each institution has been shortlisted for their dedication to artistic growth. Possible majors span from the more traditional art history, drawing, and painting to toy design and 3D animation, which stirs no shortage of excitement among our editorial staff.

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